Best ways to clean your rug


The most important part of your house is the sitting area and that’s exactly where your rug is placed. Rug requires lot of deep cleaning and basic care. Rugs are available in different sizes and material. However small rugs can be cleaned by best rug cleaners but large rugs require proper care. Here are some tips to tell you how to clean the specific types of rugs.

To remove dirt

To remove dirt from large carpets the most important thing you have to clean the dirt with the best rug cleaners available in the market. If your rug is reversible then it’s advisable to vacuum your rug from both sides. Never vacuum the fringe of rug.

Pet hair

Vacuuming sometimes does not clean your pet hair from rugs so it is suggested to use hard and stiff brush on rugs to remove the hair. Always remember to brush the rug in the direction of nap.


Shaking small rugs is the best method to remove extra dirt from rugs. Take your rugs outside the house and shake the rugs or either beat them with a stick or rod. It will help to remove all the extra dirt from your small rugs.

Turn your rugs

It is advisable to turn your rugs after some time because sun puts pressure or stress on the rugs so turn them upside down for some time so that they can gain their original shape back.

Cleaning of woven or braided rugs

Do check for stitching breaks of your rug. If its mention on the rug label that it is washable then place your rug in the old pillow case or laundry bag and use gentle cycle on the washing machine. Always wash your rugs in the cool water. For the braided rugs, don’t forget to place old blanket under your rug and use carpet cleaning foam and rub the surface of your rug. Always vacuum your rug for a finish look before placing your rug.

Handmade and antique rugs

Handmade rugs are very delicate or sensitive to clean so always ask the seller about the rug details like fabric and construction. These rugs demands special care while cleaning. Vacuuming such rugs is the best option or use soft brush to clean such rugs. It is advisable to clean handmade and antique rugs professionally to maintain their look. Direct exposure of sun must be avoided because they lead to fading of color.